
Here are a list, for your convenience, of a range of local Taxi firms.
For Bedwyn and Pewsey train stations, the Marlborough and Pewsey companies are the most local.
For Swindon station, the Swindon companies are based in Swindon Town and so may be more available.
We advise advanced booking on weekends and evenings as they become very booked up.
Taxis in Marlborough
Arrow Private Hire – 01672 515567
PD Taxis – 01672 511884
Amber Cars – 07507 087217
Marlborough Taxis -01672 512786
Aldbourne Taxis – 07977 059991
Browns taxis – 07847 097189
Taxis in Pewsey
Umbrella taxis - 01672 642247
Pewsey Station taxis – 01672 642122
Avid taxis – 07738 439728
Taxis in Swindon
The Virtual Taxi – 01793 297201
1st Call Swindon Taxi – 01793 205121
Connect Cabs– 01793 238444
Veezu – 01793 611111
Please note, we do not recommend any particular firm by most have been established for many years and used locally, as well as by our guests.